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Easy and delicious fried year cake! To celebrate Chinese New Years, eating year cake is a must. Made from glutanous rice, year cake is a type of rice cake. Pronounced nian gao in Chinese, it’s […]
What are the trending Asian hair styles of 2018? According to data from top Asian salons and websites, we put together 18 most popular Asian hair styles and hair colors of 2018. Take a look! […]
The story about a town of Germans who believe they are Chinese went viral on Chinese social media. According to this post, the Qing dynasty lives on in Dietfurt, Germany. Here’s what they had to […]
This was voted the best photo of the super blue blood moon in China. It’s title: 《天上一个月亮地上一个月亮》 – A Moon in the Sky, A Moon on the Ground A little background: 《天上一个月亮地上一个月亮》 is the […]
These golden delicious Chinese corn cakes make a great meal or snack. Symbolizing wealth, completion and luck, it’s the perfect thing to make this Chinese New Year! Ingredients Sweet corn: 2 ears or around 2 […]
The sound of fireworks and firecrackers is an integral part of what Chinese New Year’s all about. Some of my fondest memories from childhood was firing off roman candles from our 13th floor window. Together […]
Here are the top 10 most anticipated games of 2018 based on Chinese gamer votes on While some of these amazing games are already out in the States, others will not be available to […]
Today we share with you “Bear Uncle’s Kitchen” — where every Friday Bear Uncle prepares a delicious and nutritious snack for our babies. When baby starts teething, they always want to chew on all kinds […]
My dog is an important part of my life Korean painter Woo-jae Jeong spends her days with canvas, oil paints, and a dog that she’s shared 13 years of her life with. To remember how […]
A case of mistaken identity? An old lady’s attempt to abduct a boy led to panic at the supermarket. Two days ago, news of this child abduction went viral on Wechat in China as residents of […]