Tag: game

The most anticipated games in China 2018

Here are the top 10 most anticipated games of 2018 based on Chinese gamer votes on 17173.com.  While some of these amazing games are already out in the States, others will not be available to […]

Age of WuShu (九阴真经) The MMORPG that brings the martial novels to life

I’m a big fan of Chinese martial arts novels set in ancient times(武侠小说). I in fact own the whole set of novels written by my favorite author of this genera, Jin Yong (金庸). Yes, all […]

Creative solutions to the Diablo 3 ban in China

I’ve been a long time fan of Diablo, and have anxiously awaited the release of Diablo 3. Since I had recently moved, I had originally planed to buy the game after I settle down again […]